Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't Mess With My Crew...

Yeah, I know what you're thinking..."Man, what a rough posse. I'm sure glad I'm not an outlaw, cause if this band of rough riders came after me, I probably wouldn't last long..."

So, stand down soldier...and make way for the "Flip-Side Crazy Crew".....they'll mess you up.
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

If You Can't Stand the Heat......

This is Andhrimnir, the chef of the lords and lordesses of Asgard. Every evening he kills the cosmic boar to prepare a scrumptious meal for the Aesir. The cool thing about the boar is that he comes back to life at the end of the dinner so Andhrimnir can kill him again the following evening......neat. I wonder what his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are like?